oorah programs Oorah provides ongoing support and an abundance of resources for the whole family.
“Each and every one of these programs has sculpted our growth beyond my comprehension.”
“ I never thought I would find a mentor like her.”

Oorah's Rebbetzins program provides mentors and shaddchanim for singles of Baal Teshuva background.
Junior TorahMates
A free weekly study program for children and teens, partnering them with young adults to teach them Jewish topics and/or review their schoolwork with them.
“My children are part of a camp where they get to experience, see, and learn.”

Top notch sports center, horses, boats, ATVs and more provide the perfect setting for Jewish living, learning and fun!
Separate programs for post high school-aged young men and women, featuring resort quality recreation and fabulous Jewish learning with great teachers.
TheZone campers can't wait until summer for another dose of Shabbat spirit, and with this program, they don't have to.
“When Eliyahu was in public school, he certainly wasn't as proud of his

Placement experts find the right school for each child and guide the family through the admissions process.
Ask the Rabbi
Rabbi Chaim Mintz addresses the Big Questions and sparkling insights of Judaism. All Ask the Rabbi classes are livestreamed and stored in our archives.
Tuition Assistance
Oorah offers Jewish day school and high school scholarships to those with limited yeshiva or Jewish educational background.
Study the Jewish topic of your choice with a personal mentor via phone or video call for just a half hour every week.
Torah Classes
Oorah's founder, Rabbi Chaim Mintz, gives a weekly Torah class. All classes are livestreamed and can be viewed in our archives.
Little Star Preschool
A warm, lively, learning environment, to provide your child with the necessary skills to succeed, for children 3-5 years old.
While in Israel, take advantage of Oorah's many programs and stipends available to help you maximize your year.
Jewish Resources
The Jewish Resources website offers a variety of resources to provide insight and information, such as articles and videos on a variety of topics, including Jewish holidays, the weekly Torah portion, Jewish thought, and Torah law.
“No one knows how to host a chag like Oorah!”

Rosh Hashanah
Usher in the new year with meaning and tradition at TheZone.
Sukkos & Simchas Torah
Oorah families join together for a beautiful holiday. Our enormous Sukkah nestled amongst beautiful foliage makes this a memorable holiday.
Jewish music rocks the house at our annual Chanukah concert.
More than 1,000 guests from the New York area and beyond converge on Lakewood, NJ for Oorah's famous feast.
There is a lot more to Pesach than matzah and wine when you celebrate with the Oorah family.
Commemorate the giving of the Torah with an all-night learning session, spiced up with cheesecake, sushi and other delicacies.
Holiday Packages
Take part in the Yomim Tovim with holiday packages that include fun treats and gifts.
“Oorah is a blessing in my family's life.”

Shabbat with Oorah
Join the extended Oorah family for a Shabbat featuring gourmet food, great accommodations, stimulating programming and all the warmth of family. Everyone leaves on a high!
Pizza, prizes, friendship, fun and learning all come together to give over Torah values in a warm and growing atmosphere.
Oorah Staten Island
Torah Spot, the warm and inviting hub of the Jewish Staten Island community, hosts Little Star Preschool, family events, and even ChillZone Staten Island during the winter season.
Oorah Videos
Through heartfelt stories and engaging and inspiring content, our extensive video collection captures the essence of Oorah's mission to uplift and connect Jewish families.