Question from: Feb 20, 2025
How do we cope with the Bibas family tragedy?
Question from: Feb 19, 2025
How can I resist temptation?
Question from: Feb 19, 2025
Will we all survive the coming of the Messiah?
Question from: Feb 18, 2025
How can I raise my children without so much materialism?

Ask the Rabbi with Rabbi Chaim Mintz
Tuesdays @ 9:00PM EST
Watch previous questions

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  • Submit your question in advance (for it to be asked anonymously) or simply raise your hand during the live zoom session for a chance to be called on!

  • Or just listen along — you’ll receive fascinating insights on topics you’ve always wondered about!

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Your question will be answered via email or live at an Ask the Rabbi session.

Please note that due to the many questions that come in, we may not get to every question each week.

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Zoom Details
Meeting ID: 957 4583 3906
Password: 374
Call in: (646) 876-9923

Torah Class

Bonus! Torah Class Weekly at 8:30 PM

  • This week’s topic:
    G-d tells us to build him a house but not on Shabbos, why not on Shabbos?

Recent Questions Asked to the Rabbi

Explore a variety of Jewish questions.

Ask the Rabbi addresses Jewish thought, philosophy, the background or significance of Jewish practices, and offers advice and guidance.

While Rabbi Mintz is an acknowledged expert on Jewish law, such questions are not the focus of this session and should be referred to your own qualified halachic authority.

ask the rabbi by rabbi Chaim Mintz book ask the rabbi by rabbi Chaim Mintz book 2

Ask the Rabbi –
The Books

These are books for everyone–
because everyone deserves honest answers.

With close to 200 questions and answers, Rabbi Chaim Mintz's Ask the Rabbi books runs the length of good and evil, faith and G-d, COVID-19 and the Holocaust. Why women wear wigs, why men grow beards, and whether or not you can buy French fries from McDonald's.

They are books for people curious about their Jewish heritage, for people on their journey to Judaism, and for people who've been living a Torah-observant life ever since they were children— because everyone has questions, and everyone deserves answers.

To get a glimpse of some of the questions and answers in text format, check out the Ask the Rabbi section on our Jewish Resources site, brought to you exclusively by Oorah's TorahMates!
Purchase Ask the Rabbi
Purchase Ask the Rabbi 2

Our Staff

Rabbi Chaim Mintz

Rabbi Chaim Mintz

Rabbi Mintz’s fifty years of experience in both education and community outreach, when coupled with his dynamic personality, make him the ultimate scholar-in-residence. He leads a weekly Torah class each Tuesday night, followed by a session of Ask the Rabbi, and is involved in all aspects of Oorah’s programs nationwide.

Rabbi Avrohom Biderman

Rabbi Avrohom Biderman

Rabbi Avrohom Biderman’s relationship with Oorah dates back forty years. He moderates Ask the Rabbi sessions, keeping them lively, engaging, and clear.

Rabbi Chaim Reichman

Rabbi Chaim Reichman

As a longtime student of Rabbi Mintz, Rabbi Reichman joins Ask the Rabbi weekly, offering insightful contributions and stimulating conversation.

Aliza Perles

Ms. Aliza Perles

With Oorah since 2006, Aliza has worked tirelessly to make Ask the Rabbi the Jewish community hub that it is.

Also in person at other Oorah programs!

Catch Rabbi Mintz live at Oorah Events, concerts, and special occasions.
Rabbi Mintz speaking
Rabbi Mintz speaking to a young adult
Ask the Rabbi at Purim with Oorah
Asking a question
Crowds at a TorahMates Ask the Rabbi session
Rabbi Mintz speaking
Rabbi Mintz speaking to a child

What's on your mind?

Prefer written content? Check out our Jewish Resources website for a library of Ask the Rabbi questions and responses!